Sunday, 29 May 2016

Erection & Scrotal Problems - Ageing & Heart Problems

Erection & Scrotal problems – Ageing 2

For  35 years I have observed people. In this time I have always suspected
that changes in the perinneal area were one of the major reasons why
we age.  And as I experienced sensations through concomitant changes, i
know, without doubt, that this is true.

There are on-going minor changes & there are major structural changes.
One does not immediately see the result of these minor changes. The changes
in the body are delayed  and gradual.
On the other hand, major structural changes are quicker & have a greater impact.

It appears changes in the various connective structures affect the perineum.
However, a major structural change of the dartos has one of the greater
impacts on the perineum.

The changes in the perineum affects the quantity and the quality of stimuli
that is produced.  And the change in stimuli directly affects ageing.
Its really that simple.

If you don't believe me. You have the back of your scrotum 'pulled', so the
tension is 'lost' in the centre of scrotum. Then you come back to me in
1 1/2 years & tell me what has changed in your body.

Urologists were doing experiments on dogs 28 years ago. Although they were
not doing experiments to establish how changes in perinneal tension affected
ageing, they were indeed  establishing how changes in perinneal tension affected
 erections. For those that don’t know, month after month there were reports in
Urology magazines giving the results of these experiments. 
These Urology magazines, together with journals & magazines from all fields
of medicine were freely available to read in Medical Library’s. They were there
to cater for medical students.

BUT, its much more than that.

When the Urologist from Whangarei started pulling my ‘dartos tissue’
up & under and when the Urologist  from Hastings pulled my ‘dartos
muscle & tissue from the centre’;   they both new  exactly what they were doing.

I believe  they new exactly,  the impact of their actions.

BUT,  I know too.



It is believed that erection problems could be a early sign of heart problems.
I believe it is the exact opposite :
I believe changes in the perinneal area directly affects stimuli, stimuli to the heart
& indeed the whole body.


I had an appointment with another Urologist. There were 2 points
of interest.

First, I said that I had always believed that the testicle was in some
way ‘fused’ to the perinneal area.
He said “it is”  and agreed that it was at the bottom of the scrotum
where the gubernaculum attaches .

I have been correct all along.

So, there is no doubt in this world or the next world that the Urologist
from Whangarei caused some kind of separation of the gubernaculum.
The Health Disabilities Commission says its not possible as a result
of a standard examination.

Well it is, it happened, so it must be possible.

I don’t believe it was a standard examination anyway. It was a wilful
and deliberate ACT by this Urologist in Whangarei.

Secondly,I asked if the dartos muscle, not the dartos but the dartos
muscle itself, was connected around the area at the base of the penis.
He said, that yes, it was.

I have to assume that what this Urologist told me is correct. On that basis
I can only conclude that The Urologist from Hastings, I believe,
deliberately manipulated around the dartos muscle and the base of the
penis resulting in the dartos muscle either separating or the tension of the
connective parts being lost. The septum dropping could have contributed
to this.

manipulating connective parts around the gubernaculum, the dartos
muscle, the dartos and the area around the base of the penis.

THIS can result in changes in tension, changes in sensation, changes in
Erections & dropping of the genitalia area