Sunday, 11 September 2016

Erection & Scrotal Problems – Overseas Expert

Erection & Scrotal Problems – Overseas Expert    

I have seen an overseas expert in Urology.
The Urologist told me that if an injury occurs to the scrotum or perinneal
area, healing starts immediately. Even if he was to cut something in these
areas, healing would commence. He said that because of this, it is
important that an MRI scan is done fairly soon after the event because
further down the track, everything would show as normal.

However, he said that where an injury has occurred it is characterised by
‘soft’ spots. That is whereas before around the place of injury, it was tight,
When healing occurs, it is not as tight and becomes ‘soft’.

Hold it there. When Urologist #7 looked at my scrotum & perinneal area
following the examination by the Urologist from Hastings, Urologist #7
mentioned on many occasions the ‘softness’ and ‘space’ under my
testicles.  Further evidence that something had occurred.

Now, how would you or I know that it is important to have an MRI scan
fairly promptly after we suspected injury or ‘foul play’had occurred. In most
cases, we wouldn’t.

So where was the Health Disabilities Commission in all this. Why didn’t
The HDC advise me that it was important for me to have a prompt MRI scan.
The HDC have a so-called ‘expert’ , yet when did I ever receive any help or
advise from the HDC.- NEVER.

In my opinion the HDC is a farce, a joke, a protectionist body for doctors.
There actions to help me were nothing short of USELESS.

It has become increasingly obvious that I had some abnomalies in the perinneal
area, abnomalies that gave me no concern. These men chose to progressively
remove these abnomalies.

Why do these men who indulge in this practice do this
a)      Experimental  - to observe the results
b)      They haven’t looked after themselves so they feel the obsessive
        need to abuse others

There is NO WAY you are going yo get evidence against Urologists who
indulge in this practice. What Urologist is going to 'rat' on another.
The Urologist that does this has free access to 'abuse'.
The only person that can do something about this, is you

Those men so inclined, think they can abuse their patients and walk away..

The Urologist from Hastings who removed my sensation.
The Urologist from Hastings who stuffed my sexual urges.
The Urolgist from Hastings that caused the septum of my scrotum to drop.
The Urologist from Hastings who caused the shape of my perineum to change.

(In 1 ½ years since his examination my body has aged 8 years plus).

The Urologist from Hastings; WHO will thank him.