Saturday, 11 November 2017

Erection & Scrotal Problems - PSA / Testosterone / Cancer/ Stimuli

Erection & Scrotal Problems

Cancer / PSA / Testosterone/ Stimuli

I have had regular PSA tests for years. (FACT)
After the sudden loss of sensation & stimuli,
my PSA skyrocketed (FACT)

Perhaps the stimuli acts as a balance with the
testosterone & estrogen (in women).
When a change or loss occurs of this stimuli,
a message is send to the brain.
The brain activates a response.

Either a change in testosterone or the lack
of this balance with the stimuli causes the
testosterone to have an adverse affect on
the cells resulting in abnormal growth.
Perhaps the testosterone effectively
'attacks' the cells.

Whether its the testosterone or another
component, the loss of stimuli 'triggers'
a reaction. I know, I 'felt' the change.

I had a MRI scan. They want to see me.
But, I know the answers ready.....
'I felt it'.

These 'abusers' that abused me .
I am very aware of them now.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Erection & Scrotal problems - tissue damage

Tissue Damage

There is not a shadow of a doubt that
this Urology 'abuser' from Hastings
caused damage to the 'tissues' between
my scrotum & perinneal area.
Not a shadow of a doubt.
This 'abuser', this Urologist from Hastings
caused a change in the 'sensation &
connective tissue'.

Lets theorise
On the basis that a 'stimuli' is sent to
various parts of the body from the perinneal
area, it would be reasonable to think that
if there is change to the stimuli produced;
there would either be a drop in stimuli OR
a change in the type of stimuli produced.

On the other hand, perhaps this 'stimuli' acts
hand in hand with testerone. Perhaps, the
stimuli 'balances' the testerone production,
so if the stimuli suddenly ceases or drops in
quantity; perhaps the testerone imbalance
attacks the cells in some form.

What does it say about osteoporosis :
'show an age dependent  and site
dependant variation in mineral
properties in healthy individuals which
are not apparent in osteoporotic tissues.
They also have shown alteration in
collagen composition in osteoporotic

What has happened is consistent
with my couple of years 'after the
event' theory.


These 'abusers'. Must be exposed.

Monday, 23 October 2017

Erection & Scrotal problems - The Prostate

THE PROSTATE and CANCER in the body

I have always believed in a stimuli that originates
from around the perinneal area. A stimuli that
promotes youth and helps protect the body
against cancers etc.

I experienced this stimuli  via sensations in the
perinneal area.  Thru this sensation I realised
it was important to maintain the tightness in the
perinneal area.

So what causes the prostate to change ?

I believe that when changes happen in the
perinneal area, this stimuli either changes
or disappears. Erections also change.

The body then tries to compensate for
these various changes which results in
changes to the prostate & various other

When I went to these ‘abusers’ I had
never been healthier.

Now, a mere 4 years later I have been
told I now have osteoporosis and my
doctor now believes I have cancer.

So, the question is :
Is the suspected cancer etc. is it as a
Result of the loss in stimuli
The stress caused by the loss in stimuli.

These abusers are responsible.



Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Erection & Scrotal Problems - UROLOGY ABUSE

Erection & Scrotal Problems - UROLOGY ABUSE

For forty years I have observed people.

How many times have you observed older people with walking
problems, loss of flexibility, loss of spring in their step... etc etc etc

I have observed that these conditions & other age related conditions
are accompanied by concomitant changes in the perinneal area.

Perinneal changes are inevitable, but they can be slowed down &
they can be delayed.

If these men calling themselves Urologists are not aware, or choose
not to devuldge these their knowledge of these obvious concomittent
changes, they should choose a profession that they are more suitable for.

I now see changes happening in my body that are a direct result of
what these Urology abusers did to my perinneal area. These
changes occur approximately 1 1/2 to 2 years after the abuse.

There is little doubt that something in the perinneal area produces
a stimuli that promotes youth, vigour & flexibility in the body.
When changes start occurring in the perinneal area, you're on the
road to gradual decline, your'e screwed.

This man that removed my perinneal sensation & this man who caused
my perinneal area to drop.I know who is responsible.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Erection & Scrotal Problems - PROOF

Erection & Scrotal Problems - PROOF

 These are snippets of my one to one conversations. This is what was said to me.

Do you believe I have been abused ?

Do you believe there has been a cover-up.

The full tapes make it even more obvious.

I have always believed I had an Inferior abberans of Haller. Only 2%
of the population have one. A Urologist said to me, he had never  seen
 one. That says it all.

Remember :

In examining my scrotum, my General Practitioner  caused my left
testicle to veer off to the left. It became tight , high-rising & almost
unmovable. I lost sensation around my left testicles where you would
expect the appendages to be.

In examining me, the Urologist from Whangarei  caused a haemorrhage
in my perinneal area. It felt like my testicles had been cut off. I lost about
80% sensation in the perinneal area.

In examining me, the Urologist from Hamilton caused  my left testicle to
 clearly fall on its side.

In examining me, the Urologist from Hastings caused the back of my
scrotum to lose tension& drop. My perinneal area dropped. My right
testicle, which I had no problem with, fell away to the right.
I lost the remaining 20% of sensation in the perinneal area.
This Urologist from Hastings. I see his wisdom in the thinning of my face.