Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Erection & Scrotal Problems - UROLOGY ABUSE

Erection & Scrotal Problems - UROLOGY ABUSE

For forty years I have observed people.

How many times have you observed older people with walking
problems, loss of flexibility, loss of spring in their step... etc etc etc

I have observed that these conditions & other age related conditions
are accompanied by concomitant changes in the perinneal area.

Perinneal changes are inevitable, but they can be slowed down &
they can be delayed.

If these men calling themselves Urologists are not aware, or choose
not to devuldge these their knowledge of these obvious concomittent
changes, they should choose a profession that they are more suitable for.

I now see changes happening in my body that are a direct result of
what these Urology abusers did to my perinneal area. These
changes occur approximately 1 1/2 to 2 years after the abuse.

There is little doubt that something in the perinneal area produces
a stimuli that promotes youth, vigour & flexibility in the body.
When changes start occurring in the perinneal area, you're on the
road to gradual decline, your'e screwed.

This man that removed my perinneal sensation & this man who caused
my perinneal area to drop.I know who is responsible.