Friday, 11 May 2018

Erectile & Scrotal Problems - Coverup of abuse by HDC and Medical Council

Cover-up of abuse by the Health Disabilities
Commission and the Medical Council

I was abused -


1986 - Urologist, Mr F
Manipulation of the dartos on the right
side of my scrotum causing the right
testicle to drop somewhat.

Apr 2013 - GP Auckland
Manipulation of the appendage on
my left testicle resulting in
reperfusion of the appendage

Oct 2013 -Urologist, Mr N Whangarei
The urologist pulled the left
gubernaculum from the scrotal
floor resulting in a haemorrahage
in the perineum  & 80% loss of

Jun 2014 - Urologist, Mr H Hamilton
The Urologist twisted the top
of my left testicle causing it
to fall on its side.

Mar 2015 - Urologist, Dr M Hastings
Pulled the back of my scrotum
in such a way that the fused
part at the back separated or
lost tension. The perineum
resultantly dropped with the
remaining 20% of sensation
being lost. The right testicle
fell sideways.


Monday, 7 May 2018

Erection Problems - The Rape & Abuse of my body by Medical Professionals

The Rape and Abuse of my body by
Medical Professionals
I was abused by my local GP
I was abused by a Urologist, Mr N at Whangarei and
Urologist, Dr M from Hastings, New Zealand.
My GP manipulated my appendage
resulting in reperfusion of the appendage
causing loss of sensation around the appendage.

Dr M from Hastings pulled the
parts in my scrotum/perinneal area in
such a way that it resulted in a
detached left gubernaculum. That is, the
testicle is no longer anchored at the bottom.
I suspect he caused a detached tail of
the epididymis.

Dr M from Hastings caused the
fused part at the back of my scrotum to
separate or lose tension in some manner
that it caused the tension in my
perinneal area to dissipate.
This resulted in a loss of all sensation
in the scrotum & perinneal area.
When the fused part is damaged, things
NEVER improve.

These men must be exposed.

This is a true story of how my body, or more
precisely my genitalia,  was raped & abused
by Medical
Professionals. This was  seemingly
supported by the Medical 
 Council and more
recently is seemingly supported by the
Health Disabilities
Commission (HDC).  

 There may be you out there that enjoy your
testicles being sucked & stretched until  nearly
all the life has gone out of them. But I learned
early in life, what you abuse now, you will pay
for as you get older. So, i consciously and
knowingly, treated my body with respect, to
delay the onset of age related problems or
issues in regard to  my genitalia.

For those of you who are unaware, the dartos
and cremastic tone in the scrotum  changes as
we get older. It loses tension. This is why you
see men with saggy, loose testicles as they get
older. However, genitalia abuse can cause this
to happen  earlier. So if you enjoy saggy, loose
testicles, go for it.   

 Your local General Practitioner may even help
you in this quest.

Many Doctors and Urologists in the medical
profession are knowingly carrying out medical
examinations of the genitalia, where they
purposely carry out examinations that can  lead to changes in the dartos and cremastic tone.  

They can also purposely change the orientation of
parts of the scrotum.

The change in ‘tone’ or change in ‘orientation’
can lead to changes in erections, sometimes
better, sometimes worse. The change in weight
of one side of the  scrotum to the other can also
change erections. But in each scenario, it leads
 to a gradual dropping of the scrotum.

The Medical Fraternity does this knowingly with
a total disregard to your values and beliefs. In
affect, there is a strong likelihood that  issues
relating to the  genitalia will consequently
encroach on you at a younger age as a result of
these abhorrent practices.

 In short the Medical Practitioner will more
often than not manipulate your  parts to fit a
perception of what they think you want.
No asking you what  you want, no telling you
what they  are going to do, just them playing god.

If you tell the Medical practitioner or Urologist
that you don’t want them to do anything, more
often than not, they won’t respect your wishes,
they will simply ignore your wishes and do what
they want to do anyway.

If you are harmed by this examination whether
physically or mentality  and  challenge what a
Medical Practitioner has done to you. You lay
a complaint with The Health Disabilities
Commission (HDC), what prove have you got !

 Your word against a Medical Practitioners.
Whos going to win !
If you press the matter further, the doctor will
play the ‘crazy card’.

If you consult another Urologist  about how
your scrotum has lost tone or tension, they will
tell you that that is what happens as you get
older. Yet, they are the ones participating in
this abhorrent practice. Youre in a ‘no win’ situation.

If you lose erections as a result of a scrotal
examination or problem, the Urologist  will tell
you the scrotum is independent of the penis.
Your erections should be  normal. Yet, there are
hundreds & thousands of people with
scrotal/erectile  issues on the internet.

Despite their comment that the scrotum does
not change erections, they manipulate the tone
of the scrotum and/or the orientation of the
testicle. This can change erections, both being
independent  of the penis.
In some cases, this is done in the hope of some  psychological benefit that may  be derived from
a positive result.  Hence, a return of erections.

So with positive results, is the change in erections
due to a psychological change or a change in
orientation !

The fact of the matter is, this is an area of
medicine under continual research. The experts
don’t have all the answers. They don’t know how
the scrotum works  with all its bits and pieces.
There are so many variations of appendages, muscle
 tone etc , . how do they know how all these
interactions act !  They don’t. 

They simply employ a practice that keeps the
majority of people happy

in your ignorance’.  They give you what they think
you want, right or wrong.
If wrong, try again.

 In essence, if you go to a Doctor/Urologist
regarding an erectile/scrotal matter,  youre
a guinea pig.

My best advice to you, is, if you have a
scrotal/erectile issue of a non-serious nature,
Never, never, never  go to a doctor or Urologist.    99% of the time, if you just be patient & wait,
things will improve or get better on their own

The above also applies to woman genitalia.

If you lay a complaint to the Police about the
actions of the Medical Practitioner,  they will
not take you seriously without support from
the Health Disabilities Commission (HDC) .

The last I heard, I thought we had freedom of
speech and certainly freedom to our own
values and beliefs.  A freedom to think.  

 WRONG, this is not the case.  




Saturday, 31 March 2018

Erection & Scrotal Problems – Interstitium

Erection & Scrotal Problems – Interstitium

5 years ago my body was never better. That is
before these Urologists, or more correctly,
‘abusers’ abused my body.

I  believe that facial changes ‘mirror’ changes
in some area of  the perineum. Changes in the
body happen about 2 years after changes in
the perineum. That’s why Urologists know they
can away with their abusive examinations.
About 33 years ago, a doctor more or less
confirmed that changes in the body happen a
little later after changes in the dartos occur.

It seems that ageing is caused by the loss of
‘nerve energy’ within the cells. At first, there
is a self-sustaining energy within the cells
(to a certain extent). This energy gradually
diminishes with time. This energy results in
stimuli. There is nothing more important
to the body, than maintaining this ‘good’

I suspect that when an in-build energy in the
perineum region is lost, nerve energy
throughout the body dissipates at a faster
rate, hence ageing. This results in a bad
stimuli, which has bad affects on the body.
I know. At times I can feel the bad stimuli in
my legs. I believe without doubt that this
causes  joint pain , cancer & results in ageing.

When I was abused in 2013, changes
happened, but a more ‘distinct’ change
happened when the abuser from Hastings
abused me in 2015. Two years after, I am
told I now have osteoporosis. A few months
later, cancer.

These Urologists or more correctly ‘abusers’
that abused me, when will they be exposed  ?

NOW, a few days ago, we hear that scientists
have discovered the largest organ in the body .

Researchers have found the INTERSTITIUM is
an organ that as a network of fluid filled spaces
surrounding connective tissue. The fluid in
these spaces is composed of connective
and supporting tissue within the body.

This interstitial fluid undergoes changes in
chemical composition with body growth,
diseases, heart failure, cancers etc,
When these ‘spaces of fluid’ dissapate, its
like the inner compartment is ‘squashed’.
Hence, for example, loss of protection around
the joints.

30 odd years ago I was talking about inner
‘layers’ or ‘spaces’ in the perineum. These
‘layers’ I could feel through ‘inner sensation’.
And I said, so long ago, that if it was cut, it
would dissipate.

I may not have the education or words to
explain these things, but I know where these
findings will lead.
I suspect that when changes happen in the
INTERSTITIUM (or something of a similar
nature), in the perinneal area, these changes
‘filter’ out and around the body.

So’,  I reiterate my views regarding certain
Urolgists, they are nothing less than  ‘abusers’.
Abusers of the body.


Friday, 9 February 2018

Erection & Scrotal problems - Cancer / Ageing

Erection/Perinneal & Scrotal Problems

Cancer / Ageing
For most of my life I have experienced concomitant
changes. When changes occur in the scrotal/perinneal
area, I experience concomitant changes in other parts
of the body.

I am aware of these changes via inner sensations.
These sensations made me aware of a 'stimuli' that
is produced in the perinneal area. This stimuli
decreases as we get older. However, it is not ageing
that decreases the stimuli, but a change in the
stimuli that results in ageing.

I believe the gradual loss of this stimuli substantially
increases the risk of cancer, in one form or
another. This change results in an imbalance of
testerone or estrogen levels. It is this 'imbalance'
that 'triggers' the cancer, This stimuli aids in
keeping this 'balance' in check.

In March 2015, when the Urologist from Hastings,
in his abusive examination caused my perinneal
area to give way, I quickly experienced loss of
inner sensation & an immediate awareness of this
rapid loss of stimuli. I felt this stimuli disappear.
I felt the change.

In my case, as a result of this loss in stimuli, my
PSA levels 'skyrocketed'. I have absolutely no
doubt that this was a direct result of the loss of
this stimuli.

Also, when my perinneal area 'dropped' after a
period of time, I became aware of an occasional
'weak' inner feeling around the prostate. It was
like an 'engulfing' or an 'attaching' feeling
around the prostate (hard to describe). And with
ejaculation there was a sense of 'pulling' or
'shredding' around this area. Certainly not
a 'healthy' sensation.

Although I have not had a biopsy, my PSA levels
are now such, that I have been told, there is little
doubt that I now have prostate cancer.

These Urologists that participated in this abuse. If
they think I am going quietly, then they are sadly
