Part 5 - 27 March 2015 - Urologist, Dr M, Hastings
Reason for Appointment with Dr M
The objective was to confirm that I had had a disjunction of the epididymal
tail. I had no intention on having an examination.
Extracts of Conversation :
Me: I suspect my gubernaculum is torn.
Dr M: The gubernaculum is a figurative matter of speech
Me: But it actually holds the testicle down doesn’t it
Dr M: But it sort of does, sort of does
Me: Because i have been reading up on it. Apparently its attached in 2 places, its
attached to the epididymis & also attached to the testes, or can be
Dr M: yeah yeah, it can be on the medial side of the testicle but in actual
fact the gubernaculum true is basically attached to that bag & (blah blah)......
(refers to drawing)
Me: the perinneal area has been loose, was nice & tight before
Dr M: yeah, buts thats an ageing thing
Me: I had an incident ....(blah blah) (I didn’t say what the incident was)
Me: If for example there has been a disjunction of the epididymal tail does that
show up in a ultrascan
Dr M: Ummh .. no, but you should be able to tell if you examine it
Me: ok, so you would be able to tell if you examined it
Dr M: - hopefully
Blah, blah
Me: Just one thing with the examination. If you try to change the direction of the
testicle, it has an adverse affect, it will get tight or more restrictive.
And it seems to act badly to being lifted up as well.
But if you just sort of examine it, it doesn’t be a problem. And I actually like the
left higher than the right, so I wouldn’t like that to change
Urologist # 8: I couldn’t if i tried.
Blah blah
Prior to Examination
After advising Dr M that lifting my testicles up would create a problem,
Urologist # 8 gave no indication that my request was unacceptable to him.
On that basis, I let him examine me.
After lying down Dr M, proceeded to lift both my testicles up,
out & vertically at a 90% angle above my body & held them there. This was a
position that my testicles had never been before.
This was just after telling him that if my left testicle was lifted up
it reacted badly.
After the examination, when I stood up, he went to re-examine my right testicle.
A right testicle that had nothing wrong with it & was not an issue.
I stopped him.
Urologist # 8 examination caused –
1. The ‘fused’ part at the back of my scrotum to lift.
2. The perinneal area to lift, from under the scrotum, right through
to the anus.
3. Loss of cremaster muscle tension.
4. The dartos composition under the left testicle to disappear into
the abyss of the perinneal area. This small area was the only part of
sensation left in my perinneal area. (This area gave support ).
5. My right testicle dropped.
6. My perinneal area fell away.
7. My septum dropped.
8. Loss of any sensation along the inside of the septum
9. The height of the dartos dropped.
See blog on Photos .
this shows what each Urologist did.
Also see Dr R (part2)
My right perinneal area
falling away when my right testicle by was lifted by
Urologist # 8 confirms
my thoughts in a letter posted to Dr R on
13/6/13 (dated 15/9/93)
, that associated attachments of my right testicle
were fused with
perinneal area. It caused my whole right perinneal area
to fall away.
This was the first
time my right testicle had been lifted
since 1987.
Neither Urologist #5,
#6 lifted my right testicle.
The area marked in red marks the ‘centre’ ,
which dropped ‘flat’ –
See blog on Photos . this shows what each Urologist did.
As far as I am concerned I see Urologist # 8 examination as a
form of abuse.
May 2015 – Urologist # 9
I went to urologist # 9 who had observed my scrotum before and after Urologist # 8
examination, plus 1 year previously.
I advised urologist # 9 that my scrotum and perinneal area had dropped as a
result of Urologist # 8 examination. He had a look. A look at something that
was clearly different than when he looked previously.
On looking at my perinneal area, he said I had surplus adipose tissue in the
perinneal area. I indicated to him that this had occurred as a result
of the examination.
Urologist # 9 suggested that ageing causes things to happen eventually. And
perhaps my change in the perinneal area may have happened early !
(YES ..Notably after examinations. So why would it have happened to my right
scrotum 28 years previously ...sorry don’t buy it)
I also pointed out to Urologist # 9, that Urologist # 3 in a written report had
said I had a tight, high rising left testicle. I said to him "it certainly isn't tight
anymore". Urologist # 9 'chuckled'. I think his response was some kind of
Lastly, and most importantly, about a month before Urologist # 8 examination,
Urologist # 9 observed my scrotum. I specifically asked him what a composition
was under my left testicle. He said it was 'dartos' and that it was 'thick'.
The dartos gave my left testicle 'support' and caused my testicle to rise up
with support.
As a result of urologist # 8 , I could not find this 'dartos'.
When I showed Urologist # 9 my scrotum and perinneal area his response
was to ask me about the status with my girlfriend !!!
I felt, he seemed more concerned about a potential witness.
I laid a complaint with the HDC
The Health & Disabilities Commission of New Zealand
Response to my complaint :
Main Points :
My decision
“This is now your fourth complaint to this office, where you complain that your
testicles had been damaged in some way by a routine testicular examination.
As I have previously stated, i am not satisfied that you could sustain the damage
(including dropping) to your testicles that you claim you have, as a result of a
Routine testicular examination. I remain of that opinion in this case, and do not
consider Urologist # 8 could have caused the damage you claim he has as a
result of a testicular examination”.
“In regards to your concern that Urologist # 8 failed to follow your instructions
not to lift up your testicles, I find it hard to believe that you gave such
instructions, and that if you did , these instructions were not followed by
Urologist # 8”.
“I also consider this complaint to be vexatious”.
This was my reply to the Health & disabilities letter :
Main Points :
Dear Mr xxx / Ms xxx
Re : Mr Urologist #8
Thank you for your response.
I HAVE NOT complained that Mr Urologist # 8 caused damage to my testicles.
That assertion is ridiculously stupid.
As your letter is from Ms xxx, it seems Ms xxx is 'pouncing' or 'nit-picking' on
my incorrect 'terminology' where at times I may collectively refer to the dartos
& perinneal area as 'the testicle".. There seems to be purposeful lack of focus
on what is relevant.
My complaint is clear. My complaint is that Mr Urologist # 8 caused my dartos,
perinneal area and cremaster to stretch.
In particular he caused my dartos to stretch at the back of the scrotum.
Ms xxx, as much as you find it hard to believe that Mr Urologist #8 would not
lift up my testicles after advising him not to, I have already provided the
HDC with that portion of the conversation. Please find that taped portion
of Urologist # 8’s conversation attached. I will accept your apology.
Ms xxx has referred to routine examinations have taken place.
1) While lying down Mr Urologist # 8 lifted up my testicles & held them
vertically at approx. 90% above my body. He did not examine my testicles.
He purely held my testicles in that position.
I fail to see how this constitutes any kind of examination.
It seems to be some method for stretching parts & that's exactly whats happened.
2) Mr Urologist # 6 pushed in around the top of my appendages & quickly
turned is fingers in a quick turning motion. The examination lasted 2-5 seconds.
As a result my left testicle fell on its side.
I fail to see how this constitutes any kind of examination.
3) Mr Urologist # 5 started pulling up & under my scrotum resulting in a
haemorrhage. Examination !
Does the HDC think the attached picture 6 (see photos) taken in April 2015,
after & culminating with Mr Urologist # 8 examination, is any way in this
world, or the next, 'natural'. ?
I understand that you are lawyers. Rather than 'did Urologist # 8
do a standard examination', should the question to Urologist # 8 not have
been "why did you lift up Mr xxx testicles after him specifically telling you
it would have a bad reaction". Does a patient not have rights ? Obviously
not, going by the responses from the HDC.
I feel the HDC has acted with bias, prejudice and complicity towards me.
Consequently, the HDC have been instrumental in the course that events
have taken.
I have been abused under the HDC's watch.
SEE PHOTOS & JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES particularly the photo taken after
Urologist # 6 examination. Does this look natural and you clearly see its changed
After Urologist # 8 examination,
01 July 2015 – Urologist # 7
On the 1st July 2015 I saw a Urologist I had seen previously. I consider him to
be one of the ‘good guys.
He acknowledged –
My testicle has dropped backwards & down.
The septum of my scrotum has dropped.
He was sure my tight scrotum would have played a role.
Transcript – Urologist # 7 – July 2015
Me : I don’t really want you to touch it too much. I can show you what I mean if
You like. Under here. This whole area under here has come all soft.
Urologist X : underneath
Me : Like that. Like usually under here this is all tight in here. Its like the back has
Dropped & in here its all soft. Or the center has dropped down or as though
Something as happened. And all this, like before, this was.. this was all up here.
This was all tight.
Urologist X : oh.. okay
Me : & now this has become wide & dropped & when I wear support, usually it
lifts them up. But now, it does nothing.
Urologist X : yes, i see what you mean. It does look as though its sort of down a bit.
Youre right. It looks as though its going further back than usual. I agree.
Me : It doesn’t actually lift up & when I go for a run it actually drops down further
& just becomes tight like this, and its unmoveable & very uncomfortable when
running. And even ... even when I play sport, the same thing happens. It just sort
of drops down. And right down here.
Urologist X : Yes, that is definitely goes further than usual. Just can you stand up.
Me : So under here its all soft like a saggy throat. Theres no tension in there
anymore. After about 10 minutes these will actually drop a bit ... even more.
Its a bit tight at the moment, but this space over the left hand side ... theres not
much there.
Urologist X : Yes, it looks just a bit softer there than usual. I agree with you, its sort
of an area that goes a bit further down.
Me : Its as though something in like the dartos muscle there... as though something
Has happened to
Urologist X : Unfortunately, theres not a lot we can do about that. But, i agree with
You, it just sort of feels, looks like its a bit more saggy there , isn’t it.
Me : And it sort of gets worse during the day and .... like if as I say, if I do any sport
It actually gets lower & its quite uncomfortable and as you can see, after I have been
wearing support all morning its sort of
Urologist X : Yes, that depends on cold & hot weather & if its a bit cold like today,
It might contract a bit more. But if its warm, it might relax a bit. But, I agree with
you that it looks as though its just a bit bigger at the back. You know ... theres
just more space than usual ... yeah
Me : Usually its right up here, right up like that
Urologist X : ummh... Yes, that is the case, but unfortunately, theres really nothing
we can do about it. Theres no surgery. You will end up with more scar tissue. Scars
will be much more painful than having a bit of saggy thing. Do you wear relatively
tight underwear.
Me : Yeah, I like towear a g string plus underwear to give a bit of support. But since
Its dropped at the back, it doesn’t really work anymore. Nothing seems to work.
Everything sort of dropped like ... like its dropped backeards & down
Urologist X : Yes, it definitely looks like that. I agree with what youre saying, but I
have no solution to that.
Me : But it wasn’t like that before, was it ?
Urologist X : yes.. umh.. Maybe I have always examined you standing where you see
the other end.... but, it just looks like theres more space there.
Unfortunately, theres really
Me : Has the dartos muscle sort of like dropped or something
Urologist X : Its not the dartos, the dartos is around the scrotum. Its sort of
Me : Like the septum or
Urologist X : That part of the tissue has gone down a bit, youre right.
Unfortunately, theres nothing I can offer to make that better. Just nothing to do
Because if you start cutting there & stitching, it will be 10 times worse than you are
now you know; if you try & take some of the soft tissue & pull the skin up or
I don’t think one should even think of that as an option at all. Fortunately, that is
something that I ever, never, ever done in my life. Thats because we have never saw
a patient that needed that you know.
But, I agree with you, it does feel as though its sort of softer there, isn’t it. Youre
right. I think you will just have to figure out a way of supporting it.
Bla bla
Me : Could lifting my testicles up cause that to happen usually, or like ... with
my testicles having been very limited movement could ..
Urologist X : Yes, I think that could play a role because they are so tight. Then they
Are sort of the scrotum contracts & its sort of pushing it more there.
If you have along scrotum, that hangs far down, then there will be less movement
Backwards into that space, that space.. that you showed me.
Me : So theres very little
Urologist X : So.. that tightness, Im sure is playing a role in it. So thats a tricky thing.
Usually, what we would do to get the scrotum lower is to go in through the groin
& cut the cremaster muscle right through & the testicles may drop down. But, its
mainly, only, your cremaster muscle going up & down. The dartos is doing the finer,
the little folds on the skin. The dartos is doing that. But, the up & down is the
cremaster muscle.
29 July 2015 – Urologist # 9
Extract Conversation :
Me : I want to mention a couple of things. When I went to Urologist # 8, I asked
him not to lift up my testicles as it would have a bad reaction.
Urologist # 9 : yeah
Me : which he did anyway
Urologist # 9 : yeah
Me : and I don’t really get it as far as your reaction was because I went to see
my GP, the usual GP I go to. And without even telling him what had happened,
he said my right testicle had dropped, the left had got higher & there was nothing
under my testicles. And I also went to another Urologist who I saw before & after
& he said my septum had dropped & the back of my scrotum had dropped
Urologist # 9 : right
Me : & you didn’t sort of indicate anything had happened
Urologist # 9 : its always difficult if when youre just looking at pictures, if you
know what I mean. The testicles are quite mobile
Me : Well, he didn’t look at the pictures ... umh ... the urologist actually said it has
clearly dropped & wrote it in writing as well
Urologist # 9 : so umh what is your concern about that, that I hadn’t noticed it or
Me : yeah
Urologist # 9 : or hadnt commented on it
Me : yeah, didn’t really comment on it
Urologist # 9: with the septum thing, its really difficult to comment on the septum
because its hidden between the testicles. You can really only comment on whats
happening with the testicles and umh.. Ive noticed at times, that when, like you say,
the testicle on the left is quite high or the whole shape of the perineum looks like
its changed, if you know what I mean, so I haven’t disagreed with any of that
sort of stuff
Me : oh ok, its just that you hadn’t indicated it
Letter from Urologist # 7 dated 1/7/15.
This letter was fairly short but the main point he wrote was –
‘I did not touch him but could clearly see that the scrotum was descending further down
the perineum which is exactly the same as what he explains’.
The tapes from Urologist # 7 & 9 plus the letter from Urologist
# 7 were forwarded to the HDC.
15 September 2015 – HDC ‘s response
The 2 key points are –
“We have reviewed the further information you provided, including the
letter from Mr Urologist # X dated 1 July 2015. I am satisfied that the issues
you raise have been considered by the Deputy Commissioner and that
there is no basis for revisiting the Deputy Commissioners decision on
your complaint.
In my view, further correcspondence with this Office regarding this matter
would not be productive. Accordingly, we will not be responding further to
any correspondence from you on this matter unless legally obliged to do so.”