PART 2 – Dr R – Auckland
17 April 2013 – Dr R
Reason for Appointment
I went to my , General Practitioner Dr R after playing sport because my left
testicle seemed slightly looser around the top left appendage. I wanted to
make sure it was ok. My girlfriend didn’t think it was anything & suggested it
would be ok.
At the time of my appointment my erections were never better, sensation
in my scrotum great. (As it turned out, the reason I saw my Dr R
was a minor matter, one I should NEVER have seen him about).
Information conveyed to Dr R
On 17 April 2013 i saw Dr R. He had been my doctor for about 10 years. In that
time I had never spoken to him regarding a genitalia matter. I told Dr R that I
thought the top appendage on my left testicle may have broken. He said that
this could not be the case as my testicle would be dying.
Dr R did not ask one single question. He took no history, nothing. He did not even
ask how it happened.
On Observation
My left testicle had a diagonally lie. The left was sitting higher than the right
because of the right having ‘fallen’ somewhat in an examination 27 years
previously. The perinneal area was tight, the way I like it. There was evidence
of a ‘lobe’ on the bottom topside of my left testicle.
All these were the same as the last 27 years, exactly how I liked it.
There was no pain or discomfort.
Dr R then repeatedly examined the top & bottom of my left testicle., mostly
around the appendages. At one stage, when I winced at what he was doing, he
went back & re-examined it again.
At the conclusion of the examination Dr R said “it looks like it should now”.
Result of examination
Overnight, my left testicle fell away from the centre. At this point, I did not realise
The full extent of the problem.
Information Conveyed to Dr R
On 18th April, 2013, I went back to Dr R and told him what had happened.
Dr R response was to say quite adamantly, “the left should be below the right”.
At some stage over the 2 days he also muttered “its the raphe”
Result of Examination
The examination resulted in loss of auto erections, loss of sensation around
appendages & temporary loss of sensation between the testis and the septum.
What I believe happened
I believe Dr R’s repeated examination at the bottom of my left testicle resulted
in a disjunction of the epididymal tail.
As a result the left testicle veered off to the left and became very tight and
high-rising. The left cremastic muscle tightened.
The lobe (epididymal tail) & ligament on the bottom inner of my left testicle
both disappeared. The median raphe which prior to the examination appeared
to be attached to the lobe (‘tail”) also disappeared.
I lost sensation around the top & bottom appendages. Loss of sensation around
the appendages can occur with ‘gentle manipulation of the appendages’. It can cause
partial or complete reperfusion of the appendage. This can reduce pain but it also
results in loss of sensation. I had no pain & gave no indication of having pain.
Also Dr R’s comments , “it looks like it should now” & “the left should be
below the right” suggests he was unhappy with the way my scrotum looked
& was trying to change something.
Further Appointments
From memory, between the 18th & 28th April I had 2 further appointments.
I gave Dr R a little history regarding my right testicle. ( I thought this may help).
Apart from this, little was said.
Dr R referred me to a Urologist of his choice, Mr XY. In hindsight it was pretty stupid
of me to go to a Urologist that Dr R chose.
30 April 2013 – Urologist XY
In Urologist Mr XY, I was met with a man who had an aggressive demeanour
towards me.
He initially drew a picture of what appeared to be an inferior abberans of haller
appendage. However, after this, he would not discuss anything further with me
until he examined me. I suggested he merely look at my scrotum, as I said I was
fearful that if he examined me further injury would occur. This was not
acceptable to him.
I showed him a letter written in 1990, from Urologist # 2. This letter referred to
ripping & tearing sensations that were in my right perinneal area. Sensations that
were lost in 1990. & were no longer relevant .
Sensations were lost in my right scrotum & right perineal area in 1990. This
formed part of my complaint to the Medical Council.
After showing Urologist XY this letter , I suggested again that he merely look
at my scrotum. This was not acceptable to him. Also, some of the things he
said, just didn’t add up. Therefore the appointment was rapped up.
It was a ‘nothing’ appointment.
Note: This is a copy of the referral on Dr R’s notes
I have a copy of his referral for outpatient appointment. In very small print
it says -
Referral reason and provisional diaognosis :
“L testicle now has dropped and feels shrunken following examination recently”
Regardless of the exact meaning of this comment, the words ‘left testicle
has dropped & feels shrunken as a result of examination is an accurate
reflection ‘ of what occurred.
30 April, 2013 – Health Disabilities Commission (HDC)
On 30th April , 2013 I lodged a complaint with the HDC.
About 03 May, 2013 – Dr R
About the 03 May, 2013 I had another appointment with Dr R. I thought I
would give him an opportunity to make comment.
When mentioning the appointment with Urologist XY, he made out that he
hadn’t heard anything about the appointment yet.
Some of the things he was saying, just didn’t add up.
05 May 2013 – Transfered to a new GP
I transferred to a new General Practitioner on 05 May, 2013 because of a loss
in confidence in Dr R.
May 2013 – Urologist (Middlemore Hospital)
About the 20th May, 2013 I received a phone call, from a Urologist, Middlemore
Hospital . He said he had received a referral from Dr R and asked me about the
pain in my scrotum. I said to him “what pain”. I told him my left testicle was
twisting & turning following the examination & I was scared my testicle was dying.
The Urologist did not call back.
13 June 2013 - Dr R
On the 13th June 2013, because of all the problems I was having I sent a scathing
letter to Dr R. this letter was dated 12th June 2013.
With this letter was an attachment dated 15/09/1993. This letter gave my theories
on the interaction between the scrotum & the perinneal area. About "fusion".
In the HDC's reply to my complaint on 20 June 2013, they attached a letter from
Dr R dated 13/5/13, received by the HDC on 20/5/13. In Dr R's letter he talked
about my irrational beliefs. I had never discussed my theories on 'fusion' with Dr R.
So on 26/10/15 I sent the Medical Council an email in regard to my complaint
27 years ago & asked them what my complaint was. They advised me that they
were unable to locate any information about my complaint in their system.
So, there is no way that Dr R could have written his letter dated 12/05/15 and received
by the HDC dated 20/05/13, dated prior to my letter of 12/6/13.
The letter wasn't posted.
have known some information his report was based on until 13/6/13 or shortly after.
The only way was for Dr R to have been supplied with information based on
27 years ago.
letter to Dr R. this letter was dated 12th June 2013.
With this letter was an attachment dated 15/09/1993. This letter gave my theories
on the interaction between the scrotum & the perinneal area. About "fusion".
In the HDC's reply to my complaint on 20 June 2013, they attached a letter from
Dr R dated 13/5/13, received by the HDC on 20/5/13. In Dr R's letter he talked
about my irrational beliefs. I had never discussed my theories on 'fusion' with Dr R.
So on 26/10/15 I sent the Medical Council an email in regard to my complaint
27 years ago & asked them what my complaint was. They advised me that they
were unable to locate any information about my complaint in their system.
So, there is no way that Dr R could have written his letter dated 12/05/15 and received
by the HDC dated 20/05/13, dated prior to my letter of 12/6/13.
The letter wasn't posted.
So, we have a big problem
here. How wide-spread is this falsification of reports.
Can the HDC
answer how they received a report on 20/05/13, when Dr R could nothave known some information his report was based on until 13/6/13 or shortly after.
The only way was for Dr R to have been supplied with information based on
27 years ago.
20 Jun 2013 – Health Disabilities Commission
On the 20/6/13 I received a reply from the HDC in regard to my complaint
against Dr R.
The long & short of it, the HDC said “I do not accept that the symptoms you
describe arise from any action of Dr R. It appears he has provided a reasonable
Accompanying the HDC’s letter was a copy of the letter written to the HDC by
Dr R and a copy of the letter written by Urologist XY to Dr R.
Dr R’s letter (see Dr R’s letter on a separate blog).talked of a scrotal wrenching,
talks he had had to me about my mental health.
Never happened. A pile of lies. When this supposed rapid detoriation in my
mental status, happened between the 17/4/13 & 03/05/13, only the Dr R and
the HDC seem to know.
Both Dr R and Urologist XY mentioned in their letters about ripping & tearing
sensations in my left scrotum. The little I told them was about my right scrotum
27 years previously.
They both made it sound as though the problem 27 years ago was my left scrotum
& as though the matters 27 years ago were still relevant today.
Both of these men produced fraudulent reports. Dr R falsified my medical records.
As far as I am concerned I see Dr R’s examination as a
form of abuse.
May & July 2013, Urologist # 4 - Tauranga
In May & July 2013 I had an appointment with Urologist # 4.
Reason for Appointment
To find out what had occurred to my scrotum & get proof of what Dr R had done.
During our discussion Urologist # 4 acknowledged that I had a few anomalies.
(I prefer to regard them as ‘variances’). He also said I had a short left epididymis.
He advised me not to let anyone touch my scrotum. I should have strictly adhered
to this.
After our discussion Urologist # 4 spend a number of days thinking about what
had been discussed. In this time I sent him some detailed history.
In his letter of October 2013, he said “to examine me would carry the risks of
affecting my scrotum & testis”. He also advised that “any surgery would
have ZERO chance of improving my tight scrotum & a high-riding left testicle
& most importantly improving the condition of the epididymi and testicular
For those of you looking for a Urologist, I can not recommend Urologist # 4
highly enough.
He was informative, highly respectful of my wishes and most importantly he
did not rush in to try & do anything. He thought about what I said and came back
to me with an opinion of what he thought was best for me.
His opinion was to do nothing. His opinion was to let things ‘naturally’ resolve
themselves. It was the correct opinion.
17 Apr 2013 to 03 Oct 2013
Between these dates, after I had walked a while or played sport I experienced
a tightening feeling in the perinneal under the left testicle.
I feel that Urologist # 4 mentioning that I had a short left epididymis and
Urologist # 6 in June 2014, when he looked at pictures taken at this time,
Urologist # 6 said that the epididymal tail appeared to be part of the structure
under my left testicle in the perinneal area. A ‘chord like’ structure.
The tail of the epididymis being in the perinneal area would explain why a tightness
feeling resulted in the perinneal area when i started walking. A disjunction of the tail
had occurred but the gubernaculum was still attached.
The very tight scrotum occurred because the gubernaculum attachment to the tail
was pulling my testicle to the left but the gubernaculum attachment to the testis
was pulling my testicle to the inner centre.
Jan 2014 – Middlemore Hospital
Because of pain in my right scrotum & upper left thigh following Urologist # 5
examination, my GP referred me to the hospital. However, this was not needed
as pain disappeared after about 2 weeks.
In January 2014, I received a letter from Manukau Health with a cc to Dr R
concerning 'reoccurrence of pain'. So it can’t be disputed that on 17 April,
2013 , Dr R thought I had pain.
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