Wednesday, 7 April 2021


UROLOGY ABUSE 08 April 2021 UROLOGISTS WHO ABUSE THEIR PATIENTS AND THE HEALTH DSIABILITIES COMMISSION (HDC), New Zealand, WHO seemingly SUPPORT this ABUSE It is important that YOU are aware of Urology abuse. On Oct 2013, I had an appointment with Urologist Mr N of Whangarei , New Zealand. The purpose of this appointment , was for a discussion. After gaining ,my confidence he convinced me to have a Urology examination. This examination was ‘very firm’ & during the examination I said , it hurt. As a result of the examination I had a haemorrhage & bruising in my perinneal area. Five medical professionals confirmed bruising or a haemorrhage had occurred. I made a complaint to the HDC with names & supplied taped conversations. In reply to my complaint to the HDC, Mr N made no reference to the haemorrhage when replying to the HDC. Likewise when the HDC dismissed my complaint, no reference was made to the bruising, haemorrhage or evidence supplied. On Mar 2015, I had an appointment with Urologist, Dr M of Hastings, New Zealand. Once again the purpose of this appointment , was for a discussion. With the way the discussion went , he gained my confidence to let him examine me. Prior to the examination, I gave him very firm instructions of what he should not do (on tape which was later supplied to the HDC). Dr M of Hastings immediately proceeded to do, what I had asked him not to do. As a result my perinneal area collapsed & dropped. After this appointment I saw 2 further Urologists who had seen me before & after Dr M’s appointment. Both Urologists confirmed ( on tape which was later supplied to the HDC that things had changed. The first said the ‘dartos’ had become lower. The second said that something had given away. When I asked him what had given way in the perinneal area, he said ‘a bit of everything’. In reply to this complaint to the HDC, New Zealand, I received no evidence of response from DR M of Hastings to my complaint. The HDC made no comment in regard to the taped conversations (my proof). They made no comment what had happened. The HDC simply said they were satisified with the events that had taken place. In my view, there is little doubt the HDC is a protectionist body for Urology Abusers. When you have an appointment with an Urologist, there are good ones, but there are bad ones who carry out manipulative procedures without asking your permission & without telling you would they intend to do. It is Urology abuse, a form of rape against your wishes. Make no mistake, I found the HDC support these abusers. The clock is ticking

Monday, 22 February 2021




I recently had an appointment with a Urologist.

The Urologist could not, or would not answer my questions.

Here is my subsequent let to the Urologist & the Health

Disabilities Commission, seemingly a protectionist body for abusers.


22 December 2020     

Dear Mr X,                                                           

Thank-you for our discussion & your responses.


I note that during our discussion, there were many aspects that you

could not provide an answer.

This is line with many other Urologists responses.

There are 2 conclusions  I can draw

a)       Many urologists will not  or can not provide an answer  

b)      If I accept the responses has  ‘can not’ ,  then logically this 

       indicates that some Urologists are carrying out experimental

       manipulations with unsure consequences.

I suggest that some Urologists try one manipulation & if that

 doesn’t work, the Urologist tries something else.  This, without

discussion with the patient.  Of this, there seems little doubt.


Therefore, after weighing up your comments, I feel having an

MRI would not explain what has happened to my scrotal/perinneal

area, but merely portray the situation as it is now.

Having an MRI with the possibility of proving there is prostate

 cancer, would only result in a fait accompli.


When my left dartos dropped & my left testicle expanded through

the perinneal area, I felt the gradual dissipation of sensation but more

importantly,  I ‘felt the change’.

I Believe :                 It is not ageing that causes these changes

                                  It is these changes that result in ageing.

A change of stimuli results. Of that, I am  100% certain.


 35 years ago I,  I advised the medical council that changes in

the perinneal/scrotal area result in arthritis,  ageing etc. etc.,

30  odd years later I am in perfect health, fit, subtle body, fit, 

no problems.

Following manipulations by Mr N & Mr M, it resulted in  my

left dartos dropping, loss of inner sensation in the scrotum/ perinneal 

area & caused my perinneal area to drop, These things I am certain of.

Also, as I get the impression that as my circumstances are unusual , I

strongly suspect that I had an inferior vas abberans of haller, which is

quite rare. I think from my reading 35 years ago, that only 2% of people

 have them.

As I had a haemorrhage in my perinneal area following  Mr  Ns abusive

examination, I have little doubt that he was either pulling the gubernaculum

or vas abberans of haller.

Also, as the left testicle is no longer held down, it suggests  Mr M finished

the job with that Mr N started, by pulling the gubernaculum.


As  a result of these ABUSIVE examinations by Mr N & Mr M,

my predictions of  35 years ago to the Medical council, have come true.

 My body now  has multiple sites of osteoarthritis, a heart problem & joint


I know all I need to know

Mr N & Mr M abused me. There is only 1 solution  for abusers & rapists.



22 December 2020                                                                              


The Health Disabilities Commission

 Dear Sir/Madam

 Re Complaints : Mr N/  Mr M

 I have had a recent appointment with Mr  X.  Attached is my letter

response to him.

 I note that the HDC  has not responded  to my recent email.



 Please advise when the HDC  is going to do their job, & punish

these abusers Mr N & Mr M.

There is only one solution  for abusers and rapists.