I recently had an appointment with a Urologist.
The Urologist could not, or would not answer my questions.
Here is my subsequent let to the Urologist & the Health
Disabilities Commission, seemingly a protectionist body for abusers.
22 December 2020
Dear Mr X,
Thank-you for our discussion & your responses.
I note that during our discussion, there were many aspects that you
not provide an answer.
This is line with many other Urologists responses.
There are 2 conclusions I can draw
Many urologists will not or can not provide an answer
b) If I accept the responses has ‘can not’ , then logically this
indicates that some Urologists are carrying out experimental
manipulations with unsure consequences.
I suggest that some Urologists try one manipulation & if that
doesn’t work, the Urologist tries something else. This, without
discussion with the patient. Of this, there seems little doubt.
Therefore, after weighing up your comments, I feel having an
MRI would not explain what has happened to my scrotal/perinneal
area, but merely
portray the situation as it is now.
Having an MRI with the possibility of proving there is prostate
cancer, would only result in a fait accompli.
When my left dartos dropped & my left testicle expanded through
the perinneal area, I felt the gradual dissipation of sensation but more
importantly, I ‘felt the change’.
I Believe : It is
not ageing that causes these changes
It is these
changes that result in ageing.
A change of stimuli results. Of that, I am 100% certain.
35 years ago I, I advised the medical council that changes in
the perinneal/scrotal area result in arthritis, ageing
etc. etc.,
30 odd years later I am in perfect health, fit, subtle body, fit,
Following manipulations by Mr N & Mr M, it resulted in my
left dartos dropping, loss of inner sensation in the scrotum/ perinneal
area & caused my perinneal area to drop,
These things I am certain of.
Also, as I get the impression that as my circumstances are unusual , I
strongly suspect that I had an inferior vas abberans of haller, which is
quite rare. I think from my reading 35 years ago, that only 2% of people
As I had a haemorrhage in my perinneal area following Mr Ns abusive
examination, I have little doubt that he was either pulling the gubernaculum
vas abberans of haller.
Also, as the left testicle is no longer held down, it suggests Mr M finished
the job with that Mr N started, by pulling the
As a result of these ABUSIVE examinations by Mr N & Mr M,
my predictions of 35 years ago to the Medical council, have come true.
My body now has multiple sites of osteoarthritis, a heart problem & joint
I know all I need to know
Mr N & Mr M abused me. There is only 1 solution for abusers & rapists.
22 December 2020
The Health Disabilities Commission
There is only one solution for abusers and rapists.
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